It appears that almost everyone catches a cold or the flu between the months of December through February. Most individuals believe that this is just the way it must be, and germs just randomly attack people. Well, this just is not correct! There are a number of ways to prevent these annoying and frequently depressing illnesses.

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Follow these 5 hints and you’ll significantly reduce your odds of falling prey to one of those nasty attacks! 1 reason people get ill! Sugar takes a huge hit in your immune system, and opens you up to disease. If you absolutely can’t do without candies for 6 weeks, select and pick a few specific times when you let yourself a dessert. The daily chocolate around the workplace will certainly come back to haunt you!

  • Get enough sleep. If vacation demands are forcing you to reduce sleep, you’re also placing stress in your own defense against germs. Winter is really a time when you should plan to sleep a bit more than normal, not try and get by with as little as possible.
  • Avoid Stuffing Yourself. Although it can be tempting to overeat during this time, this can cause your liver to have to work extra hard, and result in you getting sick. Overeating any time is also a fantastic way to gain additional weight, as your body stores a number of what it can not use as fat. Stick with smaller meals more frequently and do not let others pressure you into eating too much “because it is the holiday season.” Nibbling on appetizers for hours in front of a large meal can really do you in. Make certain you think about what you’re eating and slow down on the alcohol!
  • Prioritize and Reduce Stress. Ensure that you are prioritizing your work and daily activities so that you do not become overwhelmed and stressed out. Keeping unwanted pressure away is a large element in staying healthy. Take up meditation or yoga, or simply reserve 20-30 minutes daily that is “your time”- in which you do not have to do anything or be anywhere.
  • Cook with Coconut Oil. For several years coconut oil has been the preferred oil for Americans, before the Canola industry spread false rumors about it, claiming that it had been bad for your health. Recent studies have revealed that in fact by not eating coconut oil we’re missing out on nutrients that keep our immune systems strong. It’s the only “good” type of saturated fat. To remain strong, have a few teaspoons each day, either on your cooking or as part of a smoothie.
  • Aerobic Workouts. If you’re likely to skip a work out, make it an anaerobic one. Stick with your walking, running, biking, swimming. Anaerobic workouts like lifting weights, or doing sprints, put more strain on the body, and bypassing these sometimes during this time of year may actually benefit your health.