It’s not surprising that when we examine the growth of natural medicine, we find herbs which have been serving humankind for thousands of years with wonderful success. 3,000 years to make more energy in humans. It’s a close relative (believe it or not) to tomatoes, peppers and eggplant (Aubergine).

Definition of adaptogen

a nontoxic substance and a plant extract that’s held to raise the body’s capacity to withstand the damaging effects of stress and promote or restore normal physiological functioning. Ancient healers used this unbelievable herb to rejuvenate the body, specifically giving back energy and strength. Ashwagandha can assist the body to give resistance to a range of disease, including asthma, arthritis, bronchitis, cancer, fever, inflammation, nausea, rheumatism, diabetes, leukoderma, cancer and to enhance cognitive functioning and stress/anxiety.

Moreover, Ashwagandha has also developed a good reputation (recent study confirms this) as a stimulant, a hypotensive, an antispasmodic, is antitumour, an analgesic, and is an intiinflammatory. No individual living on Earth should be without Ashwagandha, given the numerous advantages to the body, when using it within your nutrition protocol.

Immune system

Studies indicate that Ashwagandha impacts positively on our immune system, which is central to our health and wellbeing. It’s been shown to increase white blood cell production as well as the amount of macrophages (large white blood cells which have bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites), in the body. If you suffer from colds and flus frequently, then Ashwagandha can boost your immunity, providing your body the reboot it needs.

It has also been known for its antioxidant potential, which supports our immune system. Compounds within the plant (especially the roots) can do some remarkable things to aid with immunity. The antioxidant phytochemicals prevent free radical damage from occurring. Free radicals are the nasties that cause illness, accelerate the aging process and cause inflammation (which promotes a selection of degenerative disease such as Cancer).

Did you know?

This negative impact causes the body to become poorer and also to “unravel”. Ashwagandha slows the process of free radical damage, allowing the body to become immortal, meaning a greater quality of life for more. This boosts longevity, keeps infection away and slows the aging procedure. In a 2017 study published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements, found that Ashwagandha root extract contributed to enhanced memory in 50 individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

In this study, people received ashwagandha root for 2 weeks vs people who took a placebo. The sedative properties in Ashwagandha can lead to better cognitive functioning, since anxiety, anxiety & sleep disorders can affect normal cognitive function. Additionally, it was noted that Ashwagandha may aid the slowing down process of brain deterioration in people with dementia.


Researchers found that it mended brain cell damage and rebuilt neuronal networks and synapses. This awesome herb may also help with relieving depression due to its capacity to take care of psychological and emotional stress. Additionally, due to the neuro protective qualities of the bioactive compounds, found in the Ashwagandha foliage, it’s been found to decrease brain cell degeneration. Ashwagandha has anti-anxiety properties which may aid in induced stress and related functional impairments.

A 2012 study in the Indian Journal of Psychology found that perceived scores of anxiety dropped by 44 percent in a group of 64 people who have a minimal sense of wellbeing and higher sense of stress. The team taking the Ashwagandha root extract were given a dose of 300mg twice a day for 60 days. In a different 2008 JANA Study, 98 individuals experiencing anxiety were granted Ashwagandha or a placebo.

Those on Ashwagandha had enhanced well-being in 30 and 60 days. There was no improvement revealed in the placebo group on the Hamilton Anxiety Scale however there was significant improvement from the Ashwagandha group, revealed by a drop in the stress hormone cortisol as well a the blood pressure and pulse rate. Improvement was also shown in blood glucose levels, markers of inflammation, in addition to amounts of cholesterol (LDL & HDL) and triglycerides.

Final note

Traditionally, Ashwagandha has been used in Ayurveda as a sleeping aid. The latin name of Ashwagandha (somnifera) means sleep-inducing and as such it was advocated for routine sleep for centuries. Researchers at the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine in the University of Tsukuba, analyzed the impact on sleep in mice and found the water extract of Ashwagandha foliage, rich in triethylene glycol (TEG) significantly promoted non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and transformed rapid eye movement (REM) sleep slightly, while an alcoholic infusion showed no effect on sleep in any respect.

The sleep made by TEG was quite similar to regular sleep. Further to this, commercially available TEG also increased the quantity of NREM sleep. Therefore, it was reasoned that TEG is the active element which induces physiologically sound sleep. Ashwagandha improves the function of the reproductive system thus promoting a healthy reproductive and sexual balance.

In double blind study, 46 infertile men were given 225gm of ashwagandha root extract per day or a placebo for 3 weeks. Sperm concentration improved by 167 percent versus 29% in the placebo group. Sperm mobility improved by 57 percent versus 9% in placebo group, semen volume improved 53 percent versus 20% in placebo group. Testosterone also increased by 17 percent in the ashwagandha group versus 4% in the placebo group and lutenizing hormone increased by 34% versus just 8% in the placebo group. Two other studies also showed significant improved results in infertile men including enhanced semen concentration, testosterone and lutenizing hormone.