Green smoothies are now so popular lately. After making them for almost a decade, I can definitely vouch for the reasons behind their popularity. While it has not always been easy to get my children to eat other wholesome meals, the same can not be said for green smoothies. Besides tasting amazing, they come with the extra bonus of packaging some equally amazing health benefits.

Take note

Taking the time to produce green smoothies a part of your lifestyle is a brilliant investment of your time.

  • Fast and simple: Blending simple fruits and green vegetables to a smoothie is fast and super-easy. Drink it in your home or on-the-go, it is fast food at it’s best.
  • Get your daily dose: Many folks struggle to find the daily recommendations of fruit and vegetables in their diets. It’s even more challenging to find some kids to eat enough fruit and veg. By blending a few servings of fruit and veg each day you will easily meet your needs.
  • You’ll children will drink their greens: Instead of going to war with your children over eating their spinach, place a few of the green things in their fruit juices and see that liquid gold go down smoother than a chocolate milkshake.
  • Better digestion: There’s nothing worse than experiencing constipation or indigestion. Over 70 percent of all disease begins in the digestion system so give it what it enjoys – healthful and easily digestible food. The better your digestion functions, the better you’ll feel and live.
  • Much easier to get rid of weight: Forget those’star’ shakes and other meal replacement alternatives. Fill your body with nutrient-dense actual food because that is exactly desire it needs. I guarantee you that as soon as you stop dieting for good and concentrate on real food, you are weights issue will disappear permanently.
  • Natural Beauty: All those vitamins and mineral being poured into your body will provide you gorgeous, luminous skin, nails and hair.
  • Brain Power: The more green smoothies you enhance your diet, the more critical nutrients you will be absorbing so as to secure your brain health. You can kiss goodbye to mind fog and say hello to enhanced focus, memory function and clarity.
  • Better Sleep: So many folks complain of insomnia but by including a daily green smoothie to you life, you can almost guarantee yourself a more relaxed night’s sleep.
  • Taste: The great stuff doesn’t need to taste gross. Healthy food tastes delicious as soon as you learn how to create the perfect smoothie.
  • Detox: Blending dark greens with sweet fruit is a highly effective way to detox. Give your digestion a well- earned rest, with the addition of kale, spinach and other superb greens into your diet.
  • Stronger Immune System: Getting sick once you have responsibilities like, a livelihood and or a household to take care of is a significant inconvenience. Adding more green smoothies to your family’s diet is going to have really positive effect on their immune system (as well as your own).
  • Banish Sugar Cravings: The mixture of sweet fruit and the minerals within green vegetables is fantastic for reducing unhealthy cravings. How good does it feel when you finally stop being a servant to processed sugar and fat?
  • Increased Energy: Replacing some of your unhealthy habits with a daily green smoothie will radically enhance your energy.
  • Variety: The quantity of fruit, vegetables, spices, herbs and super-foods available to produce delicious green smoothies is nearly unlimited.
  • The Happiness Factor: Green smoothies equals happiness. You’ll all the advantages of mood-food – calmness and joyful hormone health awaits you.