According to a lot of Ayurvedic practitioners, water is the essence of a person’s consciousness. It signifies the soma, which is a cooling and nourishing quality that’s usually related to the lunar energy.


Water lubricates, nurtures and detoxifies the body when it flows out in the form of urine. It’s a universal solvent and is present in the body in various forms like serum, saliva, plasma, cytoplasm, nasal secretions, cerebrospinal fluids, urine or perspiration. It assists in absorbing all the critical nutrients and preserve life. Our cells can’t survive without water.

Our blood includes 83% bones comprise 22% water, brain consists of 74% water and our lean muscles comprise 75% water. Hence, we will need to comprehend the significance of rehydrating ourselves. How much water to drink? Though the universal water rule says that we will need to drink 8 glasses of water, it can’t be applicable to everybody.

Good to know

The actual quantity of water that you need is dependent upon your age, weather, diet, amount of physical exercise and work which do, anxiety levels, and physique. Ayurveda states that we will need to think about our own body as a flowing river rather than as a stagnant pond. In precisely the exact same way, once we drink small amounts of water through the day, we assist in removing the toxic waste in our own body.

It’s much better to sit down and drink water as opposed to drinking and standing water on the move. The kidneys can accelerate the filtration procedure when you drink water when sitting. Your nervous system and muscles are relaxed and can digest the fluids readily. On the other hand, once we stand and drink water, we disturb the equilibrium of fluids. It contributes to the accumulation of fluids in the joints that further results in arthritis.

Keep in mind

Don’t drink a large volume of water in 1 go. Take small sips every day. This permits the body to absorb liquid. Additionally, it doesn’t dilute the digestive enzymes and amino acids. The temperature of the water which you drink must at least be just like room temperature. However, warm water is obviously better.

Ice-cold water affects the digestive fire and allow it to be sluggish. This may cause constipation, heart difficulties, kidney failure etc.. On the other hand, warm water is readily absorbed by the body, which aids in circulation and detoxification. Our body suggests its water requirement in the kind of thirst. We will need to recognize our thirst cues and drink small sips of water during the day, which may help us easily satisfy our private water requirement.

Colour of the pee

When you’re properly hydrated, your urine is clear and straw-coloured. A darker colored urine is a symptom of dehydration. Do not drink plenty of water before or after your meals. After meals, drink 1-2 small sips of water. Have a difference of 45 minutes between your foods and water intake. Drinking lots of water before your meal may decrease your digestion.

According to Ayurveda, it’s helpful to drink warm water when you awaken in the morning. Ayurveda has suggested to drink water that has been stored in aluminum or silver vessels. This water can positively control your body. Also, copper and silver ions display many antioxidating and antibacterial properties, which improves the immunity of the human body. All these rules are extremely obvious and simple. However, when practiced properly, they can help us become more conscious of what we eat and drink and afterwards, recognize the signs given by our own body. Something as simple as drinking water properly, can have a profound effect on the health and well-being.