Some articles wait until the end to provide your the”juice” but here we go, right from the get go: Your Keys to a Good Nutritional Supplement choice are: It’s as near as possible to the natural form. The utmost care was taken in all stages of its production, from growing, timing of harvesting, to manufacturing, testing for effectiveness and quality control. It works! I try to choose from companies which have a long history of providing top quality products which produce good clinical outcomes.

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Americans are now spending more than $17 billion annually on nutritional supplements for wellness and health. But the rates of some types of chronic disease haven’t changed, while the rates of the others have really improved. There are a variety of reasons for these poor numbers and lots of things remain a mystery. I’m not saying there aren’t any helpful supplements on the market, but physicians and new research studies are saying that.

That vitamins are causing more damage than good. I happen to know of a whole food nutritional supplement which defies these odds and really has the clinical research to back it. In this guide, as a lay person and former professional athlete, I will go over some things you should think about if you would like to take some supplements.

Whole Food

Specifically, I will address the differences between whole foods versus synthetic or isolated nutritional supplements. Most people that are accustomed to reading up on health are knowledgeable about the concept that whole foods are better for you than processed foods. This is a given, though there are various viewpoints on what sort of foods we should or shouldn’t be eating, in addition to the perfect ratio of those foods.

Although everyone seems to agree on something: No matter what foods we choose and in what ratios we consume them, whole foods are better for you than processed foods. C. Please read the upcoming few lines and see if you can associate with my confusion? You name it: Vitamin A, B, B12, C, or perhaps even Vitamin D- (Which from the body is really a naturally occurring hormone). And the list continues on and on and their pockets get fatter and fatter. I don’t get this, do you? On one hand they’re saying not to eat man made foods, but here consume man made vitamins. Don’t they come in exactly the exact same ilk and degree of fillers, consciousness and money grubbing entrepreneurs? This fact has never truly been argued.

Raw Honey

Everyone agrees raw honey is better for you than white sugar that brown rice is better for you than white rice. Why should it be any different for vitamins? Let’s talk about the notion of whole food nutritional supplements. Maybe to better draw our point out we’ll make an analogy from the automotive sector. A vehicle is a superbly designed complex machine which requires all its components to be present and undamaged, set up and in order to operate properly.

Wheels are certainly an important part of the entire world, not just 4 of these but a spare has shown to help out one in pitch. So, now imagine a intelligent scientist, that comes by and eliminates your 4 tires and isolates them in a parking lot. He then changes his sticks right into a 50 dollar suit and 5 dollar tie and tries to market the next person that walks by these tires as a whole vehicle.


The same analogy applies to the vitamin C (ascorbic acid) or vitamin E (delta tocopherol) you can find on many health food store shelves. They’re parts of a whole complex variety of character that serves a function when part of the entire body, but when dispersed, they behave more like medications and become dysfunctional parts your body needs to now occupy essential power to convert to utilize or neutralize as toxins. Isolated vitamins can’t do the work of the whole supplement by themselves.

With similar logic in place, an individual can analyze what a typical multivitamin actually is. The automobile equivalent of producing a multivitamin is going to a junk yard, finding each the different parts you would have to make up an whole automobile, throwing them together in a pile (or capsule concerning the multivitamin) and hoping that pile to drive as a car!


How then did multivitamins get so common? Our bodies are a wonder of nature. While on the other hand, isolated nutrients or artificial nutrients, aren’t natural. Consider it, have you been walking though the woods and found that a multivitamin bush or Vitamin C tree? In reality, taking these isolated nutrients, particularly at the ultra-high doses found in formulations now might lead to toxicity, disease or reduced one’s immune system. How is this so? Many research studies are now demonstrating that the body treats these isolated and synthetic nutrients such as xenobiotics or (foreign substances).

On the right side of the debate lies whole food supplements or plant-based supplements that are never treated like”xenobiotics” by your own body. For an isolated nutrient to operate properly in the body, it requires the rest of the parts which are naturally present in the food also. If the parts aren’t all there from the beginning, they’re taken from the body’s stored source. This is why isolated nutrients often work for some time, then appear to stop working. Once your body’s store of the additional nutrients is consumed, the isolated nutrient you are taking does not work as well anymore. Worse yet, a lack in these additional nutrients can be produced in your body. The different components of whole food supplements work together in a synergistic way. Synergy means the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The potency of a nutritional supplement has more to do with all the naturally occurring phytonutrients than with actual nutrient levels.


Vitamin manufacturers typically try to stuff as far as possible in a pill, telling us that the longer people take, the better it is for us. This is not really the case. As you now know, it isn’t necessarily the quantity of a nutrient that you ingest that’s essential, but its purity, form and how much is it is bioavailability that counts the most. Bioavailability means your body is able to recognize and easily use the supplement. I strongly urge plant-based supplements be your first option.