The idea of workout is normally seen as punishment for kids who misbehave. In the context of this guide, it’s a much deeper significance. In sports, teams call time out when they’re running out of time, overwhelmed or wish to thoroughly think through another play. In life, irrespective of how well you handle time, time finally runs out.

Let’s see…

Some of us are overwhelmed. Or another move in a deal or your livelihood may require adjustments to attain your desired goal. Therefore, you might need a time out or time to consider your next move. In an age of information overwhelm, it isn’t difficult to be bombarded with emergencies, to-do lists and trivial sound bites that distract you from long-term aims. You’re told the significance of a social networking existence in addition to the value to know what’s going on in the world around you in real time.While this information mayhem has a number of you twirling in a frenzy, life continues. It’s like your life is a train that has left the channel.

The question is: are you on that train? Or are multitasking with advice, personal aspirations and professional aspirations that have you and make you overlook your own life. If you miss out on your own life, that could lead you down a path of depression or disappointment. With the most recent information of Anthony Bourdain, a successful career can’t give you immunity to melancholy. With that said, regardless of your age or profession, it’s beneficial to send yourself into timeout.

Take into account

Whether you meditate or sit in silence, a timeout is a private moment to consider where you are in life and what your next move is. Even CEOs face the need for contemplation. I have the privilege of spending some time with quite a few former and current CEOs of Fortune 500s. Among the questions that the retired CEOs ask present CEOs is: how often do you make time to contemplate? The retired CEOs believe it’s crucial for any CEO to set aside time to consider the company of the business.

That’s a time to develop or improve an awareness of the organization and the people inside, services or products, customers and the career and decision making process the CEO has made up to now. It’s also the time to consider the future of the business and clients. Without time to clear your mind, CEOs can find themselves working like a gerbil on a spinning wheel. To prevent that, they carve out time to do nothing. In older films, you’d see a CEO in his office hitting a golf ball into a cup.

Final note

This scene made many think the job of a CEO was simple. However, that CEO was working while hitting that golf ball. That was his time to consider. If you believe about it, everybody is the CEO of their own life. Therefore, it’s your responsibility to make sure that the life you live is aligned with the life you desire. Similar questions that CEOs consider are relevant to everybody. As you consider your life, ask yourself: what type of life do I wish to live? What do I stand for? What am I committed to accomplishing? Who are the people in my support system? How can I encourage, deliver value, others? Are my actions a part of my stand and dedication? Or am I living for now? Having all the answers in one sitting isn’t as precious as asking the questions and aligning your actions. Sometimes the question is much more valuable than the response. It’s your life and your trip. Be creative and enjoy it. What do you think? I would like to hear your comments. And I’m open to ideas.